
Monday, November 22, 2010

Sound Body

First off I will start with by confessing my current sin to ease my guilt: I am listening to Christmas music. It is normally a rule with me that I do not do this before the 1st of December, but I was in the mood. It is so gloomy out, we have a blazing fire going that my dear hubby started before he left for work, and I am excited for Christmas this year (every year).

So there you have it. Now on to some other things. I have been reflecting a lot lately on things relating to having a sound body. You see, on Wednesday I somehow tweaked my lower back and have been in nearly constant pain since. I have been living off of ibuprofen which is something I always avoid until life gets too unbearable, so I guess that puts this in perspective. It is very difficult to be the mom of a baby that still needs lifted a lot when you are nursing a bad back.

On top of the back pain something has gone awry in my diet. I have been exhausted and having horrible stomach aches. I'm not sure if I'm eating a food that my body would rather not have me eat, or if I'm coming down with something. No good. My husband woke up sick this morning, and poor Cormac is still tugging at that right ear. We are a broken bunch.

Generally my tone on this blog is one of lament over my size or physical appearance. I have realized lately that I don't give my body nearly enough credit for all that it is and does. While it is true that I am no stranger to pain, the pain I experience has not kept me from doing my normal activities the last couple months. Even when the pain has been at it's worst my body has somehow gotten me to the places I needed to be and gotten the things done that had to be done. Stomach aches are usually foreign to me. I can walk and talk and learn. Really I have been blessed with a remarkable body.

Even my little family, though we have been sick a lot lately, is usually pretty healthy. There isn't much for us to complain about when it comes to our everyday health. So today as I sit here wishing for a new back for my birthday or at least for Christmas I am thankful for the reminder that my normal complaints about my body are so superficial. Our bodies are amazing and beautiful things. I have been reading about the functioning of the body lately. It blows me away how intricate and amazing our bodies are.

And if nothing else, my body gave me this:

which is something to celebrate.

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